Discovering your favorite anime genres can be an exciting journey! Start by reflecting on the types of stories and themes that resonate with you. Do you prefer action-packed adventures, heartfelt romances, or thought-provoking slice-of-life narratives? Consider the shows, movies, or even books you've enjoyed in the past, as they can provide clues to what you might like in anime. Additionally, take note of the aspects that draw you in, such as character development, art style, or the emotional impact of the story.
Another great way to find out what genres you enjoy is to explore different anime series and films. Watch a few episodes from various genres like shonen (action), shojo (romance), seinen (adult themes), or mecha (robots). Don't be afraid to mix it up! Platforms like Crunchyroll or Funimation often provide genre categories, making it easy to sample new shows. Keep a list of your favorites as you watch, and soon enough, you'll start to see patterns in your preferences!